Rethinking the Serviceability of Economics to Society (ReSES) is an Argumenta project funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation.

The future of humankind is shadowed by multiple crises. Economic science plays important roles in shaping society’s responses to these massive challenges. However, other scientists and the public have concerns about the capacity of economics to provide the required remedies. What to make of this?

ReSES aims at improving:

  • The public understanding of the role of economics in policy making, its worldview and disciplinary conventions, its power and its limits;
  • The capacity of economics to renew its agendas, contents and communication strategies to better fit with the new demands;
  • The communication between economists, other scientists, experts, policy makers, and the general public.

What we do

In 2023–2024, we plan to host and organise following events and series targeting multiple audiences including researchers, policy makers, NGOs, activists, students and the general public.

  • Panel discussions 
    ReSES panel discussions address how economics can serve society better. They feature experts and practitioners from various disciplines who exchange their views and experiences on how economic concepts and policies shape our lives. Whether you are a student, a professional, or simply someone interested in economics and public policy, you will enjoy these discussions that are both informative and thought-provoking. 

  • ReSES Seminar for Interdisciplinary Dialogue (ReSES ID Seminar) 
    The aim of the ReSES ID Seminar is to facilitate interdisciplinary dialogue on the potentials and limits of economics as a policy science. At every ReSES ID Seminar, attendees can expect a central presentation, succeeded by a discussion facilitated by a designated commentator. The audience is encouraged to participate and offer their questions and comments. We welcome anyone interested in these subjects to join us and engage in valuable discussions and reflections. Students, in particular, are cordially invited to attend, and we look forward to their presence. 
  • Argumenta Distinguished Lectures 
    The Argumenta Distinguished Lectures are a series of public lectures delivered by renowned international scholars. The focus of the lectures is on the potentials and limits of economics as a policy science. The lectures will explore various aspects of economics as a discipline and its application in public policy, including its strengths, weaknesses, and potential future developments. The Argumenta Distinguished Lectures offer a fascinating and accessible way to deepen our knowledge and understanding of how economics is shaping, or should shape, the world we live in.

  • Summer course: Economics and societal discontent 
    Open access course offering multidisciplinary insights to economics and economic knowledge. The course will explain the role economics plays in shaping societies and their future, and discuss several cases – such as climate policies and gender equality policies – where economics plays a major role.

Information about the forthcoming events and activities will be available on our Events page. We are looking forward to meeting you soon at these events.

If you’d like to learn more about the project, you can read a more detailed description of the project here.

ReSES Team

We have a diverse team including economists, political scientists, sociologists, philosophers, specialists in foresight and so on. Our team studies economics from multiple perspectives, drawing from multiple disciplinary traditions. Visit our People page to find more about the ReSES team. 

  • Don Ross: The Gambling Animal

    What Drives Humanity’s Biggest Gambles? While many of us shy away from taking risks as individuals, collectively we seem to have no problem embracing huge gambles—even with the very existence of our species. How strange is that? Why do humans take risks that no other species would dare? How did our ancestors’ gambles—sometimes reckless, sometimes…

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