Hanna Ylöstalo: Feminism, economy, and political imagination | ReSES ID Seminar

We are happy to invite you to our next ReSES ID Seminar featuring a talk by Hanna Ylöstalo on “Feminism, economy, and political imagination”. In this talk, Ylöstalo will discuss feminist views on the economy and economic policy, and the growing need for envisaging more socially and ecologically sustainable social formations.

Event: ReSES ID Seminar  
Speaker: Hanna Ylöstalo (University of Turku)
Title of the talk: Feminism, economy, and political imagination
Discussant: Mattias Lehtinen
Time: 27.9.2023, 14:15-15:45
Place: Online via Zoom  
Pre-register by sending email to contact@reses-argumenta.fi 


The vexing problems we are facing right now, such as the global climate emergency, war, political disenchantment and seismic social inequalities, underline the need to envisage more socially and ecologically sustainable social formations. Yet, it seems increasingly difficult to articulate political alternatives and organise collective action beyond the prevailing contours of “capitalist realism”. The lecture discusses feminist perspectives to the economy and economic policies. It invigorates collective political imagination by showing that there are alternatives to existing economic formations and policies. These alternatives are not only imaginable, but exist already, in the here and now. The lecture focuses especially on the role of care and social reproduction in the economy and social change. 


Hanna Ylöstalo is senior lecturer in sociology at the University of Turku. Her research interests lie in the fields of feminist political economy, political sociology and gender equality policy research. Her current research is concerned with shifts in gendered society-economy relations and their influence on feminism and gender equality policy. She leads a research project entitled Equality to the economy, feminism to fiscal policy (FEMTIE), funded by Kone Foundation.

Mattias Lehtinen is a researcher in Practical Philosophy at the University of Helsinki. Lehtinen has recently successfully defended his doctoral dissertation entitled Political Ontology and Imagination: Contours of a Democratic Imaginary and is now starting his new postdoctoral research project “Political Imagination and Rationality” at the University of Helsinki. Lehtinen works within the field of political philosophy and theory and his research interests concern for example political imagination, theories of democracy, affectivity, polarization, political subjectivity and antidemocratic political phenomena.   


This is the 5th event in our ReSES ID Seminar series, which is a part of the Rethinking the Serviceability of Economics to Society project (funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation). At every ReSES ID Seminar, attendees can expect a central presentation, succeeded by a discussion facilitated by a designated commentator. The audience is encouraged to participate and offer their questions and comments. We welcome anyone interested in these subjects to join us and engage in valuable discussions and reflections. Students, in particular, are cordially invited to attend, and we look forward to their presence.  

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