Ha-Joon Chang – Argumenta Distinguished lecture 9th June, 13:15-14:45 

Speaker: Ha-Joon Chang (SOAS University of London) 
Topic: Edible Economics – A Hungry Economist Explains the World
Time: 9 June 2023, 13:15-14:45
Place: Metsätalo Sali 1, University of Helsinki, Unioninkatu 40

Ha-Joon Chang is a renowned economist and a leading advocate of pluralism in economics. He has written several books that challenge conventional wisdom and offer alternative perspectives on economics and development. Some of his widely discussed books include Kicking Away the Ladder and Bad Samaritans. He has also written some highly popular books for the general public, such as 23 Things They Don’t Tell You about Capitalism and Economics: The User’s Guide, which explain economics in an accessible and engaging way.

In this ReSES Argumenta Distinguished Lecture, he will use food stories to illustrate some key issues and challenges in today’s global economy, such as climate change, automation, inequality, intellectual property rights, and the welfare state. He will also show why it is important for every citizen to learn economics, if we are to have a functioning democracy.  

This talk is based on his latest book, Edible Economics – A Hungry Economist Explains the World, which covers a wide range of topics using food items as examples – garlic, prawn, chilli, lime, chocolate, acorn, and more. He will also discuss some big methodological and ethical questions underlying economics, such as the need for pluralism in economics, the true meaning of freedom in economic theory, the neglect of the care economy in economics, and the changing nature of entrepreneurship.  


This talk is part of the ReSES Argumenta Distinguished Lectures series, organised by the Rethinking the Serviceability of Economics to Society (ReSES) project. The project is funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation and aims to rethink the role of economics in society and how it can address the current and future challenges.