The 4-Day Workweek: A Win-Win Solution for the Economy and Society? 

Time: 2nd June 2023, 14:45-16:15
Place: Metsätalo sali 1
(Unioninkatu 40, Helsinki)

A better life for employees, a stronger economy for businesses, and a greener planet for everyone. That’s the promise of the four-day week, an idea that is gaining momentum around the world. But is it too good to be true? Find out in our panel discussion on The Four-Day Workweek: A Win-Win Solution for the Economy and Society? 

Experts from social policy, psychology, degrowth transformations and economics will share their insights and perspectives on the four-day working week. They will discuss the pros and cons of a four-day week for businesses, workers, and the planet. There is also time for audience questions. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about this innovative and controversial idea that could change the way we work and live.

Join us either on-site or online!
Online streaming link

Chair: Michiru Nagatsu (University of Helsinki) 

Opening talk:
Timo Anttila: “Reduced working time: Experiences from Finland”


  • Timo Anttila (Jyväskylä University)
  • Aaro Hazak (Tallinn University of Technology)
  • Kati Karhula (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health)
  • Iana Nesterova (Aalto University)

Some of the questions that we will explore in this panel discussion include: 

  • How would a four-day workweek affect productivity, creativity, innovation and well-being? 
  • Will a four-day workweek improve or worsen physical and mental health, work-life balance, and well-being of workers? 
  • What are the main economic benefits and costs of working a four-day workweek for businesses and workers? 
  • What are the potential challenges or opportunities of implementing a four-day workweek? 
  • Can a four-day workweek really contribute to reducing carbon emissions and environmental impact? 
  • What kinds of experiments there have been about reduced working time in Finland?

Join us on 2 June 2023 at the University of Helsinki to discuss these questions and more. The event is open for everyone and doesn’t require pre-registration.

We will publish a recording after the event on Youtube.  

The event is also a part of the conference “Economic Growth and Its Enemies”.

This event is a part of the “Rethinking the Serviceability of Economics to Society (ReSES)” project, which organizes events on economics and the relationship between economics and society in 2023-2024. This Argumenta project is funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation.   

For more info and other upcoming events:   


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