Can economics save the world? / Tiedekulma 28.4.2023, 17:00–19:00

Tiedekulma 28.4.2023, 17:00-19:00 

Economists claim they offer tools that allow people to fix today’s biggest challenges. They argue that their tools allow people to flourish, creating a more just and sustainable world. So why doesn’t it always feel like economists are motivated by common good? What is the difference between positive outlook or technological over-optimism?  How can economics best help us, and where are its limits?  

We are excited to invite you to attend a panel discussion “Can Economics Save the World?” featuring Erik Angner, Outi Haanperä, Sixten Korkman, Magdalena Małecka, and Minna Ylikännö. The event will commence with a speech by Erik Angner, author of the acclaimed book How Economics Can Save the World. The evening will be moderated by Magdalena Malecka.

Our distinguished panelists will explore whether economics can truly provide solutions for pressing global issues, such as poverty and climate change.  

We invite you to join us on April 28, 2023, at Tiedekulma Stage for an insightful and thought-provoking event. 

Chair: Magdalena Małecka (Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies) 
Opening speech: Erik Angner (Stockholm University) 
Outi Haanperä (The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra) 
Minna Ylikännö (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment) 
Sixten Korkman (Author, Talous ja humanismi 2022)

The language of the event is English. 

Participate either in person or online:  
We will publish a recording after the event on Youtube. 

This event is a part of the “Rethinking the Serviceability of Economics to Society (ReSES)” project, which will organize numerous events on economics and the relationship between economics and society in 2023-2024. This Argumenta project is funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation. 

About speakers

Erik Angner is Professor of Practical Philosophy at Stockholm University, where he directs the PPE Program. As a result of serious mission creep, he holds two PhDs – one in Economics and one in History and Philosophy of Science – both from the University of Pittsburgh. His new book How Economics Can Save the World is due out with Penguin in early 2023. He is the author of two other books, Hayek and Natural Law (2007) and A Course in Behavioral Economics (3rd Ed., 2020), as well as multiple journal articles and book chapters on behavioral and experimental economics; the science and philosophy of happiness; and the history, philosophy, and methodology of contemporary economics. He lives in Stockholm with his wife and their three children. 

Outi Haanperä leads Sitra’s Nature and the economy team, which is based on the premise that Finland can only succeed by putting nature in heart of the decision making. Her previous roles cover both public and private sector, as well as research and international organisations. She has worked in Finland, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Indonesia, and the United Kingdom, where she spent 12 years first completing her PhD in economics and then working as an environmental economist in a London-based sustainability consultancy. 

Sixten Korkman is a Doctor of Social Sciences and one of Finland’s most respected economic experts. He has worked as a professor at Aalto University, Director of ETLA Economic Research and EVA (Finnish Business and Policy Forum), and Director of The Economic and Financial Affairs Council of the European Union (Ecofin). He has become known to the general public for his clear and constructive opinions in public debates and columns. He is the author of several highly applauded bestsellers, including “Talous ja humanismi”, “Talous ja utopia” and “Väärää talouspolitiikkaa”. 

Magdalena Małecka is an Assistant Professor at Aarhus Institute for Advanced Studies at Aarhus University and a Docent at the University of Helsinki. She has undertaken research at i.a. Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, Stanford University, Columbia University, Central European University, European University Institute, University of California, Berkeley. Recently, Magdalena combines insights from the history of economic thought, STS and feminist philosophy of science to develop her philosophical perspective on modern economics. She has delivered academic talks and published in the fields of epistemology and philosophy of the social and behavioural science (including economics), philosophy of law and legal theory, philosophy of language. Her ongoing research project focuses on the ways in which computer has transformed modern economics and on philosophical implications of this transformation. 

Minna Ylikännö (Ph.D.) works as senior expert in the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, and is adjunct professor in the Department of Social Research in the University of Turku. Previously, she has worked as professor of social policy at the University of Turku and as senior researcher and head of research team in the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela). Her expertise focuses on labour market analytics, employment policies, comparative welfare state research, and basic income. She has given numerous requested lectures and presentations on these topics both in Finland and abroad.

For more info and other upcoming events:  

  • Mariana Mazzucato: Industrial Strategy | ReSES AD Lecture

    Date: 20.11.2024Time: 16:00 (EET, Helsinki time)Place: OnlineZoom link ARGUMENTA DISTINGUISHED LECTURE A New Approach to Industrial strategy:Directing the economy toward an inclusive and sustainable future Mariana Mazzucato The ReSES project is happy to announce an upcoming online public lecture titled “A New Approach to Industrial Strategy” to be delivered by Mariana Mazzucato. This event is…

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